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Country information

How to get to Morocco

The best and fastest way to reach the country is by air, sea or car. The best and fastest way is by plane, you can find a number of airlines operating out of the 15 airports in Morocco.
A useful tip is to prepare your trip in advance so that you can take advantage of the great deals offered by low-cost airlines.

If you belong to the European Community, only your passport is required.
If you are from a non-EU country, please contact your embassy, which will provide you with the necessary information.

Once you arrive in Moroccan territory you will have to present a form that we will accredit you or you can also find it at the entrance of the airport of the country, where you will have to fill in to justify the reason for your visit, it is only a control of the people arriving in the country without major importance.

Climate of the country

Morocco has different geographical zones that can vary from one area to another, with the north having a Mediterranean temperature and the south a more desert climate.

Local currency (د.إ)

The local currency is the dirham, where, to give you an idea, 100 dirhams are ten euros. It is very easy to convert each Moroccan banknote by removing a zero and it becomes euros.
You can make the change in your country, on arrival at the airport or in exchange offices that you will find all over the country.
We recommend that you carry some cash with you. Not all villages or towns have card payment methods.


You have probably heard of bargaining in the country, especially in the souks and markets. It does not matter what the real price of the product is, but that both parties are satisfied, the trader for what he sold and the buyer for what he bought.

Meaning of some words

A few words for your journey
Basic / most common expressions
Spanish Arabic
Good morning / Good evening Salam Alekum / Msal'khir
How are you? Labass
Very well, thank you, and you? Labass hamdoullah
I understand / I don't understand Fhamt / Ma Fhamtch
Sorry Smahli
See you later Bsslama
Welcome Marhba
Thank you (a lot) Choukran (choukran bezaf)
Forgive / Apologise Smahli / Afak
My name is... Ismiyti
No thanks La choukran
Yes / No Wakha / La
You are welcome / Please La choukran aâla ouajib / marhba