Call us 24/7 1-555-555-555



All our rates are adjusted to our service, we do not aim to modify and negotiate prices.

The price per person is adjusted according to the number of travellers per tour, total number of days, total number of vehicles used, category of Riads or hotels, services included.

How to formalise the reservation:

Once our services have been contracted, a deposit will be paid by bank transfer, the rest of the budget will be paid in cash and euros once you arrive in Morocco.

Special requests:

If you have any special needs or requirements, please do not hesitate to inform us in advance of your trip, so that we can provide you with the best possible service.
If you need any kind of feeding
Reduced mobility
Allergies ect....

Travel insurance:

Travel insurance is not compulsory, so it is the traveller's choice whether or not to take out travel insurance.

Travel documentation

The traveller is responsible for ensuring that his or her documentation is valid.
- EU citizens only need a valid passport valid for 6 months to enter the country.
- If you need to apply for a visa to enter Morocco, we can provide you with assistance in obtaining it.

Make sure you do it in plenty of time.